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Free Item: Ornate Carved Sofa (for DAZ Studio)

Artist: JHoagland
Added on: 8/13/20
Category: Furniture
File Size: 9.05 M
File Format: DAZ Studio
This item contains: duf, dsf and/ or other DAZ Studio files.
This item has been downloaded 437 times.
I recently stumbled onto a variety of 100% free public domain assets for blender. Looking over these assets I found some amazing models, and I decided to set them up for myself to use in DAZ Studio but also to share with others. There is a serious lack of free assets for DAZ Studio, and this sofa is rare gem for its high-quality design.
Included in this freebie are a variety of preset materials for the sofa. While you most certainly can customize this model with your own choice in shaders, I set the couch up to have a variety of nice default materials that look great without needing to spend a lot of time customizing it. In total, this model comes with 27 materials presets that apply to the model with a simple click.
Model and shader pack by Mooncraft 3D Art. Uploaded here with permission.
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