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Free Item: Flex Form Modern Bed (for DAZ Studio)

Artist: JHoagland
Added on: 8/18/20
Category: Furniture
File Size: 12.52 M
File Format: DAZ Studio
This item contains: duf, dsf and/ or other DAZ Studio files.
This item has been downloaded 469 times.
If you are in need of a quick and easy to use a modern bed for DAZ Studio, I got you covered. MZiemys over on Blendswap has generously shared this bed model for free under the cc0 copyright laws. So I took the model and set it up for use in DAZ Studio with a selection of preset materials that I created. The meta on the file is searchable, and more. This free bed is primed for use in DAZ Studio with separate named material zones ready for your favorite shaders in Iray, Octane, or even 3Delight.
Model and shader pack by Mooncraft 3D Art. Uploaded here with permission.
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