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Free Item: GI Helmet-V3 Add-ons
Artist: panko
Added on: 10/20/06
Category: Military Clothing
File Size: 2.95 M
File Format: Poser
This item contains: cr2, pp2, pz2, and/ or other Poser files.
This item has been downloaded 2627 times.Recommended for use with the GI Combat Gear-V3_Vietnam product.
Textures and smart props to turn your Vicky GI Helmet into an MP, Medic or Officer Helmet (ranks ranging from 2nd Lt to 4 star general). You need the GI Combat Gear-V3_Vietnam by Panko to make it work. Some of the items may also work with other helmets, with some tweaking though, but then you need to make your own textures. Requirements: Poser 4 and above GI Combat Gear-V3_Vietnam by Panko License: This is licensed for commercial or non-commercial use.
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