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Free Item: V4 Lingerie
Artist: richabri
Added on: 6/22/09
Category: General > Clothing
File Size: 8.11 M
File Format: Poser
This item contains: cr2, pp2, pz2, and/ or other Poser files.
This item has been downloaded 7533 times.Recommended for use with the V4 Hot Leather (for Poser) product.
The V4 Lingerie is a set of four conforming clothing figures for Daz`s V4.2 character. Sexy and stylish, the V4 Lingerie set comes with two different texture schemes that can be applied with MAT Pose files. The V4 Lingerie clothing figures feature a number of morphs to allow the outfit to fit a wide a variety of V4 characters. The complete outfit is as follows:
Figures (CR2): V4 Chemise V4 Collar V4 Panty V4 Wristbands
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