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Free Item: The Facility

Artist: mrsparky
Added on: 11/9/12
Category: Buildings
File Size: 29.30 M
File Format: Poser
This item contains: cr2, pp2, pz2, and/ or other Poser files.
This item has been downloaded 3638 times.
With lights created by seachnasaigh (most meshes by me), the Facility is the worlds first sci-fi set to use the new "mesh as light" feature for Poser 9 and higher. .PP2 format with an extra P9 .PZ3 scene with everything loaded and ready to rock and roll. Plus full instructions and templates.
Also included is an alternate P4 based version, PP2/CR2 plus extra sections, which works great in other apps including studio, vue etc etc.
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