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Free Item: Super Sabre: Thunderbird (for Poser)

Artist: Dlm8hn
Added on: 10/15/15
Category: Textures
File Size: 1.47 M
File Format: Poser
This item contains: cr2, pp2, pz2, and/ or other Poser files.
This item has been downloaded 1052 times.Recommended for use with the Super Sabre (for Poser) product.
The USAF Air Demonstration Squadron ("Thunderbirds") is the air demonstration squadron of the United States Air Force (USAF). The Thunderbirds Squadron tours the United States and much of the world, performing aerobatic formation and solo flying in specially marked aircraft. The squadron`s name is taken from the legendary creature that appears in the mythologies of several indigenous North American cultures.
The Thunderbirds` aircraft were again changed in June 1956, to the F-100C Super Sabre, which gave the team supersonic capability. This switch was accompanied by a relocation of their headquarters to Nellis AFB, Nevada on 1 June because of maintenance and logistical difficulties of basing the F-100s at Luke, with their first show after the move being held on 23 June.
Includes the following textures and Material Collection file for the Super Sabre: • Thunderbird (The material collection file also hides the tanks and pylons.)
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