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Free Item: Superfly pack for Viper MkII

Artist: seachnasaigh
Added on: 4/14/16
Category: Battlestar Galactica
File Size: 12.01 M
File Format: Poser
This item contains: cr2, pp2, pz2, and/ or other Poser files.
This item has been downloaded 899 times.
Animated lights for the Viper MkII.
Load the Viper into the scene, then load the Visible lights and aurae props. They should load already parented to the Viper`s hull. Apply the "cockpit dash" and "canopy window" MT5 material files to the Viper.
Render in Superfly, with "mesh light samples" at about 7 and the overall samples high, 30-60 for night scenes. The navigation lights, cockpit displays, and engine exhaust will actively cast light. This accessory kit requires features of Poser 11 (or newer).
The materials will be automatically animated; you can adjust run speed in the material room. The white navigation lights pulse, the red & green nav lights strobe, the cockpit dash blinks and scans, the DRADIS monitor sweeps around, and the engine exhaust streams out.
copyright seachnasaigh 2012 and 2016. This accessory kit is free for both personal and commercial renders. Do not redistribute.
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