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Free Item: Wildhog and Warthog Macross Repaints Set #3

Artist: theschell
Added on: 6/17/16
Category: Robotech
File Size: 2.32 M
File Format: Textures
This item contains: jpg, bmp, or other image map files.
This item has been downloaded 754 times.Recommended for use with the AVF-35-J Reactive Armour (for Poser) product.
This Set includes Fan textures and Poser/Daz Mat Poses (Pz2 format) to re-paint my HCA-01, and HCA-02 Reactive Armour Sets for the Macross Armoured Veritech to go along with my Macross Fan Texture sets for the Warthog and Wildhog transforming Fighters.
As these are Fan repaints, commercial use is not allowed without prior permission from the creators of Macross/Robotech and all credit is due to the Studios/ Artists responsible for the creation of the shows and movies. No violation of copyright is intended and these textures are supplied for Fan use only.
Mat Poses Included in this set: 1) Macross HCA-01 Arms 2) Macross HCA-01 Legs 3) Macross HCA-01 Torso 4) Macross HCA-01 Boosters 5) Macross HCA-02 Arms 6) Macross HCA-02 Legs 7) Macross HCA-02 Torso
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