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Free Item: Toy Box and Blister Toy Package (for DAZ Studio)

Artist: JHoagland
Added on: 6/10/18
Category: General
File Size: 3.73 M
File Format: DAZ Studio
This item contains: duf, dsf and/ or other DAZ Studio files.
This item has been downloaded 691 times.
Includes 4 DAZ Studio props: dsf, duf/ png: - Blister Package Version #1 at 330 polygons. - Blister Package Version #2 at 343 polygons. - Blister Package Version #3 at 305 polygons. - Toy Boat 20 polygons.
Includes 2 textures/ material presets for each "blister package" and 3 textures/ materials for the "toy box". All materials use Iray shaders.
"Blister Packages" Features: - The front "Bubble" can be moved around on the "Card" to suit your taste. There are no limits set, so you can actually make images with the Bubble taken off the Card. - The front "Bubble" can be scaled to any size to accommodate any sized figure.
"Toy Box" Features: - The front flap can open. - The top flap can open. - The front "window" is transparent so you can see the figure. - Turn the box sideways (and rotate your texture maps) to display horizontal figures, such as vehicles.
Templates are included for all models and it`s very easy to make your own textures.
For use in DAZ Studio 4.9 or above, with Iray.
Models by JHoagland, textures by mrsparky.
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