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Free Item: Navy Generator Unit (for Poser)

Artist: theschell
Added on: 6/2/19
Category: Military > General
File Size: 1.73 M
File Format: Poser
This item contains: cr2, pp2, pz2, and/ or other Poser files.
This item has been downloaded 564 times.
The AM32-86 Ground Power Unit is used ship-board and at land facilities to provide electrical power to aircraft prior to engine start up and for electronics/systems maintenance. The manufacturer of this cart also produces them for the civilian aircraft market.
Features: The cart is fully detailed with spinning wheels, control panel cover, generator engine covers, and a pose-able smart-parented cable prop to use with aircraft. It conforms to the free Aircraft Tug, or can be used on its own for your Aircraft Carrier or Air Field scenes.
Moving parts include wheels, control panel cover, engine covers and support rods, and smart-parented pose-able power cable prop.
Includes a smart-parented cable prop that is fully pose-able and will attach to the side of the cart. Select the cart in your scene before loading this prop so that they can smart-parent properly. The cable can also smart parent to the other trailers for the Aircraft Tractor (though it will need to be manually positioned to line up properly with the various cart types)!
ERC dials for ease of use!
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