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Free Item: Blue Thunder (for DAZ Studio)

Artist: JHoagland
Added on: 6/30/19
Category: Science Fiction > General
File Size: 2.83 M
File Format: DAZ Studio
This item contains: duf, dsf and/ or other DAZ Studio files.
This item has been downloaded 627 times.
The Blue Thunder helicopter for use in DAZ Studio.
Includes the following moving parts: - Opening door, with a Poser Control dial on the Body. - Rotating upper and read blades, with a Pose Control dial on the Body. - Gun turret cannon left-to-right, with a Pose Control dial on the Body. - Front cannon up-down, with a Poser Control dial on the Body. - Front cannon rotate, with a Pose Control dial on the Body. - Blade flex on the upper blades, with a Pose Control dial on the Body. - Microphones rotate. - The seats do not rotate. - The joysticks do not move.
Original Poser version made by me in 2004 and upgraded in 2015. Converted to DAZ Studio in June 2019.
All materials use Iray shaders. For use in DAZ Studio 4.9 and above.
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