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Free Item: K-2SO (for Poser)
Artist: JHoagland
Added on: 8/24/19
Category: Star Wars
File Size: 5.23 M
File Format: Poser
This item contains: cr2, pp2, pz2, and/ or other Poser files.
This item has been downloaded 665 times.
K-2SO (Kay-Tuesso), abbreviated K-2 was a KX-series security droid originally created for use in the Galactic Empire`s armed forces.
At some point, the droid encountered Captain Cassian Andor, a member of the resistance movement—known as the Rebel Alliance—that sought to overthrow the Empire and restore democracy to the galaxy. Andor was able to reprogram K-2SO to serve the Alliance. In 0 BBY, K-2SO participated in the Battle of Scarif, where he sacrificed himself so that Andor and Jyn Erso could steal the plans to the Empire`s moon-sized battle station, the Death Star.
K-2SO is voiced and portrayed in motion capture by Alan Tudyk in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.
.: Product Features :. • Poser figure: obj, cr2/ png, with 160,063 polygons. • All parts are completely rigged: legs, arms, hands, fingers, and head. • The left and right hands include a Grasp pose control dial. • The two rear antennae are separate parts that can be hidden or shown. • The head and hands are named the same as the Poser figures so the Head and Left Hand and Right Hand cameras will focus on those body parts.
.: Textures :. • One set of texture maps.
All sales images rendered in Poser Pro 2012.
Designed for use in Poser 6 and above and not supported in any other software.
Created from models by: and: Used under the CC-BY conditions, including that this model is only intended for fan art and not for commercial use.
Special thanks to Richard Duda for the suggestion.
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