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Free Item: K-2SO (for DAZ Studio)

Artist: JHoagland
Added on: 8/25/19
Category: Star Wars
File Size: 4.41 M
File Format: DAZ Studio
This item contains: duf, dsf and/ or other DAZ Studio files.
This item has been downloaded 992 times.
K-2SO (Kay-Tuesso), abbreviated K-2 was a KX-series security droid originally created for use in the Galactic Empire`s armed forces.
At some point, the droid encountered Captain Cassian Andor, a member of the resistance movement—known as the Rebel Alliance—that sought to overthrow the Empire and restore democracy to the galaxy. Andor was able to reprogram K-2SO to serve the Alliance. In 0 BBY, K-2SO participated in the Battle of Scarif, where he sacrificed himself so that Andor and Jyn Erso could steal the plans to the Empire`s moon-sized battle station, the Death Star.
K-2SO is voiced and portrayed in motion capture by Alan Tudyk in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.
.: Model Features :. • DAZ Studio prop: dsf, duf/ png, with 160,063 polygons. • All parts are completely rigged: legs, arms, hands, fingers, and head. • The left and right hands include a Grasp pose control dial. • The two rear antennae are separate parts that can be hidden or shown.
.: Textures :. • One set of texture maps. • All of the materials use Iray shaders.
All sales images rendered in DAZ Studio with an HDRI skydome environment.
Designed for use in DAZ Studio 4.9 and above with Iray. Not recommended for use in other software programs.
Created from models by: and: Used under the CC-BY conditions, including that this model is only intended for fan art and not for commercial use.
Special thanks to Richard Duda for the suggestion.
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