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 Raid on Hanoi
Raid on Hanoi: A pair of F4B Phantom II`s of Vf-92 escort a raid of A4 Skyhawks from USS Constellation`s VA-55 in a raid over North Vietnam. The USS Constellation conducted 7 separate deployments in South-East Asia from 5 May `64 to 11 October `73.

Constellation`s Fighter Air Wings scored a total of 15 aerial victories during her cruises, but suffered 78 losses (from both operational and combat causes) during the same period. Most of these losses were incurred from the heavy anti-aircraft fire encountered over North Vietnam with only 3 aircraft lost to MiG`s. Operational losses were due to accidents and aircraft malfunctions during the intense flight operations of combat deployment... the total losses include aircraft and helicopters from all units serving aboard ship.

The best known aces of Vietnam on the US Navy side, Lt Cunningham and Lt(Jg) Driscoll flying
By: theschell
Uploaded on: 9/21/2015

Description/ Notes:
A pair of F4B Phantom II`s of Vf-92 escort a raid of A4 Skyhawks from USS Constellation`s VA-55 in a raid over North Vietnam. The USS Constellation conducted 7 separate deployments in South-East Asia from 5 May `64 to 11 October `73.

Constellation`s Fighter Air Wings scored a total of 15 aerial victories during her cruises, but suffered 78 losses (from both operational and combat causes) during the same period. Most of these losses were incurred from the heavy anti-aircraft fire encountered over North Vietnam with only 3 aircraft lost to MiG`s. Operational losses were due to accidents and aircraft malfunctions during the intense flight operations of combat deployment... the total losses include aircraft and helicopters from all units serving aboard ship.

The best known aces of Vietnam on the US Navy side, Lt Cunningham and Lt(Jg) Driscoll flying "Showtime 100" (an F4J Phantom) from the USS Constellation scored 5 kills against MiG-21`s during their deployment with Carrier Air Group (CAG) 9, VF-96 Squadron in 1972. VF-92 Pilots Lt Dose and LCdr McDevitt also gained kills during this deployment .

During the 1972 cruise, Squadrons Vf-92 "Silver Kings" and VF-96 "Fighting Falcons" served as the Fighter/Interceptor component of CAG-9 on board USS Constellation...

F4B Phantom II and extras by me
A4 Skyhawks by Bazze with custom textures by me, weapons and dummy pilots by me as well refitted to Bazze`s A4

Rendered in DS 2.3

Image Comments
By Dlm8hn on 10/13/15
Rating: 10
Great job, Awesome!

By theschell on 10/14/15

Product(s) Used in This Image
F4B Phantom (for Poser)
F4B Phantom (for Poser)


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