By: theschell
Uploaded on: 9/27/2015
Description/ Notes: |
North Vietnam, specially the area around Hanoi and Haiphong, fielded some of the heaviest air defenses ever seen in aerial warfare. This region saw some of the most intense air/ground battles waged during the Cold War period; indeed, it was the most difficult such campaign fought by the U.S. Air Force since the aerial bombardment of Germany during WW2. Supported by communist allies, North Vietnam fielded a potent mixture of sophisticated air-to-air and ground-to-air weapons that created one of the most effective air defenses ever faced by American military aviators.
In this image I`ve depicted a pair of F-105F "Thud`s" making a run-in along "Thud Ridge" towards the Hanoi area as part of a low-level strike against the POL facilities there...
F-105 Thunderchief, crew, and weapons by me, with additional scene props from a variety of sources. Flak Effects by me as well...
Rendered in DS 2.5 |
Image Comments |
By Dlm8hn on 10/13/15 Rating: 10
A great representation of the Thud! Great work!
By theschell on 10/14/15
Thanks... I tried my best to get this ol` beast looking her best!
Product(s) Used in This Image |
F105F/G Thunderchief (for Poser) | | |