• Downloadable File Size:
3.92 M (approx.)
• Polygon Count:
• Uploaded on: 5/5/24
• System Requirements: Windows/ Mac, Any software that can import Wavefront obj files.
• File Format: obj This product contains: Wavefront obj files.
• Texturing: Texture Maps
This product uses image maps for textures.
• Readme File:Click Here • How do I download my purchase?PLEASE READ
Product Description
This is a model of a yellow kayak with a paddle.
Product Features: * Made with 3 and 4-point polygons. * Includes group information, which your software should interpret as separate parts: kayak and paddle. * The obj version includes an mtl file, which your software program should read to colorize the model.
Textures: * The model is UV mapped. * One color scheme with the texture maps and bump maps, at 2048x2048 pixels.
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