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Home > Figures> Creatures > General
Dodger`s Brain in a Jar (for Poser)

Product Specifications:
Offered By: Dodger
Downloadable File Size: 15.53 M (approx.)
Polygon Count: 6399 (approx.)
Uploaded on: 6/14/19
System Requirements: Windows/ Mac, Poser 11 or above
File Format: Poser
   This product contains: cr2, pp2, pz2, and/ or other Poser files.
Texturing: Texture Maps
   This product uses image maps for textures.
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Product Description
From the brain of Dodger comes... Dodger`s Brain! Uh. Wait. OK that`s awkward ad copy. Anyway, here`s a modern Poser-11 compatible refurbishing of an oldie-but-goodie, Dodger`s original Brain in a Jar!

The brain itself has been slightly reshaped and the eyeballs replaced, and re-UV-mapped for better texturing. All the parts have been retextured using modern Poser 11 Superfly-compatible shaders for the highest quality, uh... brain experience...?

Additionally, the brain itself (which, despite being in props, is a figure), works as a conformer for the 3D&D Klingon (available free from 3D&D. (It also sort of fits Mike 3, if anyone cares, but the joints don`t quite match.) Note that this is the opposite of a normal conformer. Like a conforming skeleton but totally unlike clothes, it completely clips. (That means poke-through. Everyone else calls poke-through "clipping". There`s a proper term for it.) Rather than staung completely outside the figure, it stays completely INSIDE. Of course, this means you can only see it if you trans or morph part of the klingon/jaffa/alien pilot/borg drone encompassing it out of the way. That part`s up to you.

You will find the items under Props/3DnD/Brain in a Jar.
Brain Jar: is the jar itself, with the red lens and base and bubble. It`s just a prop.
Brain Liquid: uses a Cycles shader, and you need to render it with a lot of transmissive bounces. You may have to play with it, as this can vary by graphics card or processor. If the bubbles come out clear, you`re good. If they come out black, up the transmissive bounces. This is also just a prop.
Brain Wires: This is a prop that sits at the base of the brain in its default pose and connects it to the jar, for some science fictiony reason or another.
Brain: This is a figure that conforms to the 3D&D klingon if needed, or sits in this jar. Optionally, it might squirm about on the floor and be disgusting, or leap upon people to siphon off their brain energy. Consider having it stolen from a Vulcan! That`s always po.. wait, no, people hate that. Don`t do that. It`s awful.

Technical Specifications:

Polygons: 7,407
Vertices: 6,399
UVs: 6,490
Top: 0.782886
Bottom: 0.435844
Height: 0.347042 (0.01 in.)

Left: -0.133246
Right: 0.133246
Width: 0.266492 (0.01 in.)

Front: 0.131222
Back: -0.131222
Depth: 0.262444 (0.01 in.)

1 Group:

1 Material:

Polygons: 3,385
Vertices: 3,384
UVs: 3,767

Top: 0.71954709
Bottom: 0.43511441
Height: 0.28443268 (0.01 in.)

Left: -0.11864264
Right: 0.03790084
Width: 0.15654348 (0.01 in.)

Front: 0.07135253
Back: -0.01726877
Depth: 0.0886213 (0.00 in.)

0 Groups

7 Materials:
Connection, ConnectionBase, Wire1, Wire2, Wire3, Wire4, Wire5

Polygons: 899
Vertices: 1,312
UVs: 871

Top: 0.79211497
Bottom: 0
Height: 0.79211497 (0.03 in.)

Left: -0.151647
Right: 0.151647
Width: 0.303294 (0.01 in.)

Front: 0.149343
Back: -0.149343
Depth: 0.298686 (0.01 in.)

0 Groups

8 Materials:
Base, Connection, Glass, InnerPan, InnerReflector, Lens, OuterRings, Socket

Polygons: 15,754
Vertices: 15,446
UVs: 17,078

Top: 0.7497575
Bottom: 0.60480257
Height: 0.14495493 (0.01 in.)

Left: -0.0243965
Right: 0.02436199
Width: 0.04875849 (0.00 in.)

Front: 0.04647992
Back: -0.03972447
Depth: 0.08620439 (0.00 in.)

5 Groups:
chest, head, leftEye, neck, rightEye

19 Materials:
Cerebellum, Choroid, Cornea, Iris, LeftFrontalLobe, LeftOccipitalLobe, LeftOpticNerve, LeftParetialLobe, LeftTemporalLobe, Lens, Medulla, Retina, RightFrontalLobe, RightOccipitalLobe, RightOpticNerve, RightParetialLobe, RightTemporalLobe, Sclera, Thalamus

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Additional Product Images
Dodger`s Brain in a Jar (for Poser) Dodger`s Brain in a Jar (for Poser)  

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